Clean Agent Suppression Solutions For Your Specific Needs!

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Do you have a clean agent suppression system? ASA is certified to inspect and install pre-engineered and engineered clean agent suppression systems. These systems are fast-acting and use inert gasses and chemical agents to extinguisher fires as quickly as possible.


ASA Fire is available to inspect your clean agent suppression systems on a quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. Our inspectors have been trained on the inspection protocol of this highly specialized system and can ensure that any potential issues will be addressed to ensure the safety of your staff.


If you’re in need of a clean agent suppression system ASA can provide full service from start to finish! We design the system in-house and are ready to complete the installation at your pace, so your facility is ready as quickly as you need it. We can install this system in any of the areas below:

  • Server Rooms

  • Engine Bays

  • Distribution Boards

  • Hazardous Storage Areas

  • Dip Tanks

(770) 334-8713
Stay code-compliant and confident in your building's safety with ASA.